Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Test Driven Development - Part I - Introduction

What is Test Driven Development? 

Microsoft defines Test Driven Development as "Test-driven development (TDD) is an advanced technique of using automated unit tests to drive the design of software and force decoupling of dependencies. The result of using this practice is a comprehensive suite of unit tests that can be run at any time to provide feedback that the software is still working. This technique is heavily emphasized by those using Agile development methodologies".

So from the definition  it is clear that TDD is based on automated unit tests. To continue with TDD we have to know Unit Testing. Before going deep into the Unit Testing , we will look into the concept of TDD little more...

The principle of Test Driven Development is Red => Green => Refactor.

In the above figure, the development or the coding is start by writing the unit tests. It fails for the first time as there is no code to compile. It fails for the second time also because of lack of logic specified in the unit test. Whenever a test fails, the unit testing framework will indicate it by the Red signal. And when the test passes it will be indicated by the Green signal. That is why Red => Green => Refactor becomes the mantra of Test driven development.

What is Unit Testing?

A unit test is an automated piece of code that invokes the method or class being tested and then checks some assumptions about the logical behavior of that method or class. A unit test is almost always written using a unit-testing framework. It can be written easily and runs quickly. It’s fully automated, trustworthy, readable, and maintainable.

A good unit test should have the following properties

  • It should be easy to implement.
  • It should be automated and repeatable.
  • Once it’s written, it should remain for future use.
  • Anyone should be able to run it.
  • It should run at the push of a button.
  • It should run quickly.